Online Learning with ADHD

Niamh Ollerton - Content Editor

Online education and learning is a wonderful thing.
Children experience new worlds, let their imagination run wild, and are given an opportunity to grow and develop. 

And this is especially important for children with learning disabilities who need a safe space to get an education in an environment they will feel most comfortable in. 

At Gaia Learning, we offer completely virtual learning and education to ensure children of all learning needs are catered for.

Classes are all recorded so students can replay them slowly over and over again until they understand the material.

All children have a unique learning style, and children with special educational needs and learning difficulties are no different.

The use of visual aids, hands-on projects, or videos allows them to choose the style of learning that works best for them.

Online teachers can also customise their lessons to make sure every child learns with the tools that are best for them.

What are the benefits?

In 2023, with the wealth of technology and better virtual connectability than ever before, in-person, full-time school no longer needs to be the norm for any student.

In-person schooling is usually a challenge for children with ADHD, Autism, PDA, OCD or those undiagnosed, especially as many of these children also face obstacles in other areas of life as well, including nonverbal communication, social and emotional reciprocity, and high anxiety levels.

While many kids don’t see virtual learning as ideal, the benefits for students with ADHD, Autism, PDA, OCD or those undiagnosed, are immense.

Students of all ages with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) thrive with online education.

Some of the major benefits include:

Relaxed schedule

Within a brick-and-mortar school setting, all students must adhere to standardised curriculums and the daily schedule created by the school. This doesn’t work for everyone.

Students with autism and ADHD are much more engaged in their learning when they can work at their own pace and follow their own interests. 

The flexible schedule we offer at Gaia Learning allows students to work when they feel most productive - and the relaxed rather than fixed setting (without bells ringing throughout the day) really resonates without students.

And above all, the lack of an imposed schedule allows students with ASD - and their parents - to develop a comfortable routine for them to grow and learn.

Decreased stress and anxiety

This is a BIG one for students with learning disabilities and parents. If we can find a way to ensure our children learn without suffering, that’s a win-win in Gaia’s book. 

Many students with Autism, ASD, and ADHD experience high levels of stress and anxiety in a traditional school setting. Online learning minimises this, as unnecessary personal reactions and social obligations are taken away completely.

Remote learning reduces social stress as students aren’t worrying about their social appearance or behaviour - and thankfully, bullying is stomped out all together.

The haven of home also allows students to better manage any unforeseen occurrences too, as the house is already adapted for them and their needs, meaning they can better manage their sensory inputs as there won’t be other students talking in the corridor, bells ringing, kids shouting on the playground, or any other sight sensory distractions.

Ownership of learning

Can you imagine how wonderful it will be for your kids to take complete and total ownership of the learning and education? Talk about paving the way for their own destiny. 

Although students on the autism spectrum in brick-and-mortar schools can learn social skills, manage senses, and other emotional and social skills - for some, the sheer volume of experience can be too much for them to be able to focus on their education too.

Online learning therefore provides a more focused and controllable structure, allowing individualised curriculums that meet the needs of different types of learners. 

Here at Gaia Learning, we’ve been able to get creative with virtual learning, and we will continue to create and provide engaging lessons for all students, with individualised learning and one-on-one time for students with disabilities should they want it!

Providing students with learning difficulties more opportunities in their learning styles means they can take ownership of education and take more responsibility in other aspects of their lives.

Increased attendance

With online learning, students no longer need to worry about what’s waiting for them at school, meaning they can really sink their teeth into their school day safely at home.

And of course, with the freedom to create their own schedule, students can take classes in their own time, and allows students to engage in class fully.

How we help 

At Gaia Learning, we want to make education enjoyable for all children. 

To ensure we achieve this, we offer:

  • One-to-one tuition
  • A range of Primary and Secondary level ready made course content in the Cambridge Curriculum
  • Online timetable for children in years 5-11

    Our school includes:
  • 25 minute classes including regular breaks
  • Maximum 12 students per class
  • British SEN qualified teachers
  • Full learner assessment and learning dashboard to see learner progress 

An education is something that can never be taken away from you.

So, let’s give children with learning difficulties a chance to grow and learn in an environment they will thrive in, designed around them.